Fun Time at the Oregon Dunes
(July 4 - 8, 2013)

It's late afternoon on the
Fourth of July. Sue rode her motorcycle in the
Parade earlier, then we
finished loading the RV, picked up Deena and (with Papa Mel driving),
we're now headed for the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, and
Spinwheel camp site where we'll spend a few fun days with the Bunch.

It's really hot and we're looking forward to going were it's cooler.
One very funny sight was a little pond with a tiny island and tree.
Beneath the tree in the shade was a cow while her companions were standing
beyond the pond in the sun. She was evidently the smart one of the bunch.
During the evening we saw a fireworks displays near Mt. Shasta, along with
an accident. Someone was probably watching the sky... instead of the road.

Tim and Margie, their RV with trailer and quads.

We visit some other dunes along the ocean the next day. This was our
initiation to a cool, strong wind blowing salt n' sand if you're on the
wrong side of someone speeding by on his motorcycle. I think we were
saturated at the finish. Not just sand in the meat, but teeth, ears and

Margie and me...tee hee.

Mark on his quad instead of a bicycle.

I rode with Margie. Interesting route through the water.

We pull into the Coquille Indian Tribe Mill Casino and RV park for
dinner and to spend the night. Tomorrow we'll head for the day use staging
area for the dunes.

They have a convenient shuttle bus that delivers us to the
front door of the Casino.

Our bunch enjoying a delicious dinner. Left to right...Mark, Timmy &
Areana, Papa Mel & Grammy Bonnie, Sue, Brent, Marie & Tim, Deena and

Here's a good view of where we are. The Spinreel campground, the day
use-staging area as quad+ and the road that leads to the dunes and trail
to the ocean beach.

Spinreel Campground is an off-road vehicle rider's dream, located in
the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area along Tenmile Creek in Coos
County. Campers can rely on conveniences like drinking water and paved
roads, with prime access to the expansive off-road trails along the sandy
dunes. The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Visitor Center, located
beside the campground, offers educational programs and ranger-led hikes.
It is open year-round, just like the campground, and provides great
information on the cultural and geological history of the picturesque

Brent, Timmy and Mark are either getting ready to go, or have already

Areana, Deena, Amanda and Timmy.

Amanda at the dunes.

Tim races up the dune.

...And Brent flys!

Timmy gets a wheelie start at the dune, while Areana watches.

Areana stirs it up and does a wheelie too!

And there's cool Sue blowin' in the wind.

And Timmy's flying too!

road to the ocean is rougher than it looks.

Sue does a little spin at the beach.

There goes Brent tearing up the sand.

Can you believe Brent would brave that freezing water? Yeah!

...And the cool wind too? Yeah!

Time for the line-up by the ocean. Papa and Grammy, Deena and Margie,
Amanda and lil' Maggie, Tim, Sue, Areana, Timmy and Brent.

Areana and Timmy catching their breath along with Papa and Grammy.

Maggie loves the sand, and digs, digs, digs like a gold miner.

Sue's enjoying the breezy moment along with the others.

You'll never know what lies ahead on miles of beach. I noticed these
birds, so investigated and discovered the remains of a seal. The birds
probably wish I'd mind my own business.

Your guess is as good as mine, and people keep adding to it. Originally
it may have been a place for fishermen to temporarily hang their fish. As
you drive along the beach strange objects appear in the distance.The one below
turned out to resemble a flying duck, or seagull.

Speaking of gulls, Sue caught up with a bunch.

Megan, Deanna, Kirk and Deena.

Thumbs up to Mason...

...And for beach ballerina Deena.

Nice wind for Kirk to get the kite flying for himself and Megan.

We crowd into the jeep, and head back to camp. Kirk, Deanna, Megan,
Papa, Meeka, and me. Cheryl called to tell us the bad news that Mike had a
broken leg from a log rolling onto it. Later that evening Sue and Kirk
went back to the dunes. Kirk flipped his quad over, and while getting it
back upright, it caught his helmet and flipped him over. We took him to a
small local hospital where they diagnosed him to have separated (AC) his
shoulder and put it back in place along with a sling for his right arm.
The shoulder and arm he uses to move lumber and other heavy objects
building houses. While we were waiting I heard a beautiful song-bird. It
was dark except for this light...and there it was on the top.

It's the next day and we're headed back to California...

There's that interesting bridge near Coos Bay that we're going over

The timber-lumber industry is alive and well in this area. Someone said
most is exported.

Kirk and Deanna take turns driving.

We pass many log trucks that revive fond memories of our forty plus
years in the business. Now Deanna is driving their motor home ahead of us
that's pulling the jeep and quad on a trailer. I think that's wonderful.....

...So we had to pull up alongside and get a picture of her driving. Hi

An accident ahead between a truck and car.

As we get near Mt. Shasta this old plane reminds Mel of
when he used to work on them.

Couldn't pass up these brightly painted trucks.

Sue did a great time driving the ten hours to reach home. If she ever
gets tired of being a lawyer she'd make a great driver. The entire
adventure was a marvelous experience except for what happened to Kirk and
Mike. But there's usually a reason to change something for the better that
may have been neglected. One thing I know for sure is that I might be
getting too old for long trips, because it takes me too long to recover
afterwards. Whatever...it's always fun to be with those you love.
